There are quite a few treatment options available for the treatment of varicocele that will improve fertility. Learn about the best diet plan for you to avail.
It can be scary when you are unaware of what exactly is going around with you and things just don’t seem right. You may be feeling pain or facing infertility issues with your spouse. Seeking help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible is best. Fortunately, there are some non-invasive alternatives to surgical procedures such as diet-based treatments that you could follow while practicing a healthy lifestyle to get you right back on track.
Varicocele: Simplifying the understanding
If you’re already familiar with varicose veins, varicocele is only different in terms of specificity of location. While varicose vein is a condition wherein superficial veins, at any location throughout the body (but usually in the legs), may get enlarged, if these enlarged veins exist around the scrotum, they are known as varicocele. To delineate, varicocele is a clinical condition as a result of abnormal and torturous dilatation of scrotal veins in the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic cord. It can be graded according to the clinical findings on palpitations, ranging from grade 0 – 3 through different diagnostic techniques such as physical examination, scrotal ultrasound, venography, and color doppler ultrasonography. Where grade 3 varicocele is easily identified through physical examination, but lower grade varicocele could be difficult to identify, particularly in certain clinical comorbidities. As scary as it sounds, it can be treated by seeking medical help from your primary health physician at the earliest, which is when you experience any type of discomfort or pain in your groin region. Men who suffer from this condition experience symptoms such as mild to intense pain leading to infertility, and shrinking testicles.
Side-Effects of Varicocele
Deemed as the most common yet correctable cause of male infertility till date, a number of scientific investigations over the century have associated varicocele with pernicious effects on spermatogenesis, semen quality, testicular volume, reproductive hormones, and failure or difficulty in achieving pregnancy. Along with these negative consequences, it may also cause great mental distress to the affected person.
How Varicocele Causes Infertility
Spermatogenesis itself is a temperature sensitive process. In such patients, regurgitation of warm abdominal blood through incompetent valves elevates the scrotal temperature. Considering sperm functions such as motility and capacitation are all energy dependent processes, therefore, spermatozoa have very high-energy requirements. Factors that affect spermatogenesis and semen quality act by decreasing the availability of energy by mitochondrial dysfunction. Spermatozoa are especially vulnerable to reactive oxygen species (ROS) whose elevated levels result in heat and oxidation resulting in membrane instability and damage along with functional alterations such as increased DNA fragmentation that ultimately result in cellular death.
Treatment Options for Varicocele
Listed below are some of the available treatment options for patients suffering from varicocele:
Surgical Procedures for Varicocele
At present, there are three types of surgical approaches in practice, to alleviate this condition namely, laparoscopic surgery, open surgery, and microsurgery. All of these options involve hospitalization, incisions, extended recovery time, scarring and potential for recurrence.
However, there are also natural and diet-based alternative treatments in the market that varicocele patients can take advantage of.
Healthy Diet
Foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants are exceptionally good for treating varicocele. Diet that is high in antioxidants protects the veins in the testicles from the damaging effects of ROS. Also, fiber is another food component that can help alleviate these conditions since it relieves constipation that may also cause varicocele.
In order to get the best treatment out of these, try to eat antioxidant and fiber-rich food in abundance on a daily basis. Some foods that are rich in these nutrients include collard greens, beans, oats, pecans, cauliflower, and chocolate. You should start noticing improvement in fertility and decreased testicular pain with their regular use.
Supplements might be good for you since our daily diet lacks all the necessary nutrients, therefore, taking supplements allow us to consume the nutrients that we are missing out on. Such as consuming vitamins, bioflavonoids, and zinc tablets.
However, before taking any supplements, it is wise to take your doctor on board since these can aggravate a pre-existing condition, as well.
Comfortable Clothing
Patients suffering from varicocele should try boxer briefs also known as varicocele underwear. These provide more scrotal support than the regular underwear, which is important in allowing normal blood flow to the testicles. Also, make sure you are wearing the right fit to allow right blood flow and reduce heat generation that can be caused by wearing smaller sized boxers. You may experience reduced pain after its regular use.
Exercise and Meditation
Going to the gym and swimming a few laps would do you good if you’re experiencing varicocele. Especially swimming, since it keeps your body cool and allows proper blood circulation, etc. You can also use an ice pack, but don’t ever put it on your bare skin for more than 10 minutes at a time. Also, avoid smoking, since tobacco contains chemicals that might alleviate your varicocele through accumulation.
As science and technology are advancing, one can avail better and non-invasive options. So far, the best treatment for varicocele available is the non-surgical, minimally invasive, endovascular treatment. Varicocele treatment in Pakistan was introduced by Dr Imtiaz Ahmed, who is an endovascular Surgical Specialist, and an Interventional Radiologist Men who are young and respond, certainly not very well, but to some extent to PDE5 inhibitors are strongly advised to undergo varicocele non-surgical treatment. The non-surgical endovascular treatment takes on two main approaches: antegrade and retrograde. Both approaches aim to embolize the periprostatic venous plexus along with other veins that may seem irregular in shape or function. Antegrade endovascular treatment is performed via the deep dorsal penile vein, while retrograde treatment involves a transfemoral path via the internal iliac vein. Fluoroscopic guidance helps the catheter reach the selective veins, after which glue therapy is performed using specialized FDA approved drugs. Out of the two approaches, specialists prefer using the antegrade approach, which provides a much straighter route to the periprostatic veins. The non-surgical treatment for varicocele is a complex and challenging procedure which requires expertise in the field.
Complete lifestyle changes even after a definitive cure, like the endovascular treatment by Dr Imtiaz, is cardinal to achieve maximum benefits out of the treatment itself. A diet rich in antioxidants and balanced in other major macromolecules cements long-term results, helps expedite recovery, and all in all, improves the well-being of the patient.
Fibroids are considered amongst the most prevalent clinical conditions in females of reproductive age. Learn more about successful pregnancy with fibroids.
Women are key players in maintaining a healthy family environment, however, this also comes at a price since many women either ignore or suffer in silence when it comes to their own well-being. Many women reading this have a great chance of developing uterine fibroids in the future, or may already be affected by it. But need not worry, there are a number of successful pregnancy stories of women with fibroids and fibroids pregnancy is becoming more common now.
What are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine leiomyomas, routinely known as “fibroids” are the most common benign tumors or non-cancerous growths of uterine smooth muscle cells in women. Uterine fibroids are the most reproductive ailments in women with an incidence of up to 40-60% by age 35 and 70-80% by the age of 50 such that up to 75% of the women worldwide will be affected by it at some point in their lives. As women age, the likelihood of developing fibroids increases. Some women with fibroids are asymptomatic, while others experience intense pelvic pain, bloating and heavy menstrual bleeding that can affect their day-to-day life. Although its etiology largely remains unknown, it has been linked with many factors such as age, family history or genetics, obesity, and poor lifestyle comprising eating habits and exercise. Scientific investigations have revealed that ovarian steroids, namely, estrogen and progesterone along with many cell-growth factors are also involved in the growth of fibroids.
Types of Fibroids
The size of the fibroids ranges from a seedling to an enlarged, bulky mass. Depending on the location of the growth, fibroids are classified as following:
Intramural fibroids – the most common type that appear in the muscular uterine wall.
Subserosal fibroids – appear on the outer lining of uterus, known as serosa.
Pedunculated fibroids – subserosal tumors that develop a stem to support the tumor.
Submucosal fibroids – they develop in the myometrium, the middle layer of uterus.
How are Fibroids Diagnosed?
Being diagnosed with fibroids is no reason to despair, contrary to the usual norm. Fibroids remain a largely misunderstood and underfunded gynecological condition worldwide. In order to clarify all your misunderstandings, take the matter in your hands and seek medical advice.
Fibroids can be diagnosed by simple physical examination by your gynecologist. Moreover, ultrasound and pelvic MRI are also performed for smaller and complex fibroids.
Effects of Fibroids on Fertility
Although they are extremely common, uterine fibroids may Uterine fibroids effect your fertility and your ability to carry a pregnancy successfully. However, its effects on fertility are highly variable, since many women experience either no fertility issues or complications during pregnancy due to these masses.
How Does Uterine Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?
The diagnosis of fibroids during pregnancy is not a simple task. Around 42% of large fibroids that are approximately 5 cm and 12.5% of smaller fibroids that range between 3-5 cm can be diagnosed through physical examination. Use of ultrasound to detect these tumors in pregnancy is much more restricted, primarily due to the difficulty in differentiating fibroids from the thickening of the myometrium during gestation. Therefore, its prevalence during pregnancy is highly underestimated. As it has been observed that there has been a growing trend towards late conceptions, therefore, its incidence in older women with infertility issues is reportedly higher to about 12-25%. Nevertheless, there are contradictory findings on the effects of fibroids during pregnancy outcomes, since most women with fibroids experience no issues with fertility that conclude in natural and uneventful pregnancies. Although the majority of fibroids don’t change their size, but in other cases they may grow in the first trimester due to increased estrogen levels in the body during pregnancy. However, around 10-30% fibroids have been associated with an increased rate of complications during pregnancy.
Complications in Fibroid Pregnancies
If you get pregnant while being diagnosed with fibroids, there’s a high chance of obstetric complications that may include:
Pelvic Pain
Spontaneous miscarriage
Breech Position
Placenta abruption
Preterm labor
Cesarean delivery
Postpartum hemorrhage
Amongst all the complications, pain is the most commonly experienced in women with large fibroids up to 5 cm. Especially during the second and third trimesters of gestation. The size and location of the fibroid along with the physical obstruction may explain some of these outcomes and the type of delivery.
Fibroid Treatment Options
There are a number of procedures and treatment options available for fibroid patients and women can opt for their choice of treatment plan by discussing with their obstetrician. Some of these include:
Medications that regulate hormonal levels are prescribed to fibroid patients. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists such as estradiol and leuprolide are used commonly to stop menstruation and shrink fibroids. While others can control bleeding and pain however, they only offer temporary relief.
Surgical Intervention
Surgical procedures such as myomectomy (removal of fibroids without compromising healthy uterine tissues) and hysterectomy (removal of uterus) are painful and invasive procedures that women can also opt. However, these are followed by total inability to conceive along with increased chances of fibroid recurrence.
Noninvasive Treatments
There are a number of new and minimally invasive treatment options in the market that include Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS), that uses high-energy ultrasound waves to locate, heat up and destroy the bulbous mass. Endometrial Endometrial ablation is yet another option in which the lining of the uterus is removed using electric current or laser amongst other options. Similarly, Myolysis uses a needle that is inserted into the fibroids guided by laparoscopy and either electric current or freezing is used to destroy the fibroids.
Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a popular non-invasive, patient compliant, and safe approach towards removing uterine fibroids that is performed by interventional radiologists using live imaging techniques. This is a highly accurate, multistep procedure that uses a thin tube which is threaded into uterine arteries that supply blood to the fibroid. Then, small molecules are injected into the blood stream which block blood supply to the fibroid, causing it to shrink with a success rate of 95-97%. The procedure provides immediate relief without comprising fertility and chances of conception.
UFE treatment is now available in Pakistan for the first time since 2017, in two of its major cities; Karachi and Lahore. The embolization procedure is carried out using an FDA approved drug by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, who is a renowned interventional radiologist and endovascular surgical specialist. As a part of post-treatment practice, the patient can expect a follow-up up to 6 months. There are numerous success stories of patients that underwent UFE procedures performed by Dr Imtiaz Ahmed that speak for his expertise in this area.
Venous leak treatment may bring back the missing happiness in your married life. Learn more about venous leak treatment without surgery in Pakistan.
Why is it important to know about venous leak?
The information around male infertility and issues of the male reproductive system is limited in comparison to female reproductive problems. Research done to study infertility has greatly revolved around women because the birthing process involves a woman. Furthermore, a great lack of awareness in men and their inability to communicate even if they do find out about their problem further causes a lag in curing this issue. However, it is essential that this knowledge is imparted to the masses, as 1 in 3 cases of failure in pregnancy has been attributed to male factor infertility. Male infertility is simpler to understand as opposed to women, where the fertilization occurs, and the body has to sustain the pregnancy.
Factors leading to male infertility can broadly be divided into two main categories: Productive and Obstructive. The two comprise error or absence in sperm production and failure in the delivery of the sperm. The reasons for both or either of these to exist may be concerned with a congenital disorder, physical injury, hormonal abnormality, varicocele leading to high temperature, retrograde ejaculation, or a venous leak. Venous leak is one of the culprits behind male infertility, but venous leak treatment and alternate options do exist to find a proper cure.
What is a Venous leak?
Under normal physiology during tumescence (state of erection), the blood inflow to the penis is faster than the outflow due to arterial dilation and venous occlusion, helping sustain the state of erection. One of the causes of not being able to do so is a venous leak, wherein the blood that must be stored in the sinusoids from a few minutes up to half an hour leaves too quickly, much like a bottle of water with a hole in it. The vein leakage may occur anywhere in the body, especially in the legs and the area around the stomach. Venous leak has been associated with being the most common cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men but cannot always be concluded as the sole reason for impotency, owing to a multitude of factors involved. Statistically, one in five men suffer from ED and seek venous leak treatment after they notice symptoms of venous leak. Such men may complain about an abnormality in tumescence but experience a normal libido/sexual drive, otherwise.
The diagnosis for venous leak is multistep, to confirm the network of veins involved in the damage. To put it simply, the velocity of blood inflow and outflow to the penis is recorded and compared to the standard values. Additionally, certain blood tests are also performed to have a clear idea about the hormone levels and other comorbidities. Once venous leak is suspected over the doppler ultrasound, cavernosometry and cavernosography may be performed to locate specific sites of venous leak.
Venous Leak Treatment: Know Your Options
The most common surgical vein leakage treatment is the ligation surgery. Venous leak can be treated by surgery via ligation of the deep dorsal veins, but it has been repeatedly reported that very high failure rates and the efficacy of the treatment is greatly reduced after an approximate 12-month period. Collateral arteries that develop from the arteries responsible for primary venous leak have been associated with the reduction in the efficacy of this treatment. Another option that the patients may be able to seek is of penile implant. Penile implants are also known as penile prosthesis and come in a few different types. The focus is on providing an artificial way of maintaining tumescence. The implant is suggested to patients who have already tried other methods and haven’t seen any success. Penile implants can improve the sexual performance, leading to improvement in mental health issues rooting from this issue. The surgery for penile implants observes a slow recovery with severe pain for the first week followed by a chronic pain for two to three months. At present, Endovascular therapy done as 3-D precision guided embolization is found to be the safest and minimally invasive venous leak treatment. The treatment is performed under fluoroscopic guidance and falls under the umbrella of interventional radiology treatment methods.
Venous Leak Treatment Without Surgery
Venous Leak treatment in Pakistan is being conducted by Dr Imtiaz Ahmad, who is an endovascular surgical specialist, and an Interventional Radiologist.He is the pioneer of this treatment and started offering it for the first time in Pakistan since january 2019.This venous leak cure is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure to treat venous leak erectile dysfunction. Men who are young and respond, certainly not very well, but to some extent, to PDE5 inhibitors are strongly advised to undergo venous leak treatment without surgery. The non-surgical endovascular treatment takes on two main approaches: antegrade and retrograde. Both approaches aim to embolize the periprostatic venous plexus along with other veins that may seem irregular in shape or function. Antegrade endovascular treatment is performed via the deep dorsal penile vein, while retrograde treatment involves a transfemoral path via the internal ileac vein. Fluoroscopic guidance helps the catheter reach the selective veins, after which superselective 3-D precision guided embolization therapy is performed using specialized FDA approved drugs. Out of the two approaches, specialists prefer using the antegrade approach, which provides a much straighter route to the periprostatic veins. The non-surgical treatment for venous leak is a complex and challenging procedure which requires high-level expertise in the field, like that of Dr Imtiaz Ahmad.
As medical science advances, researchers will continue to seek better treatment options for issues like that of venous leak. Presently, interventional radiology is providing the safest, and an effective venous leak treatment. Several success stories are a proof in its own of the accolades this treatment has bagged. If you already knew or are now familiar with venous leak, it is incumbent upon you to pass on this information to other men who might be suffering in silence and ignorance.
Uterine fibroids may directly or indirectly affect your married life, especially if you want to start a family. Get well versed with the treatment for fibroids
Uterine Fibroids and its consequences
Marriage is a social institution that officiates a relationship between a man and a woman. One of the greatest joys in life comes from the birth of a child. Becoming a parent changes a person on a whole and is an experience that matches none other. Surely, after marriage, almost every couple looks forward to appreciating this blessing. Unfortunately, issues regarding infertility have become more common now as people continue making unhealthy lifestyle choices. It is owing to advancement in science, that the causes are now better understood, and treatments/alternatives are also available. One of the conditions that may lead to female infertility is of uterine fibroids, however, successful pregnancy with fibroids is also not uncommon.
Uterine fibroids are one of the most common forms of tumors that develop in the reproductive system of women. These muscular growths are almost always benign and pose no serious threat. Fibroids in women are common in all age groups once girls reach puberty. Often, these benign masses go unnoticed owing to their asymptomatic nature. The asymptomatic uterine fibroids are of lesser concern than the ones that pose severe symptoms. Any aberration from characteristics of a normal menstrual cycle should alert a woman instantly. The signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids include heavy menstrual bleeding and extremely painful periods.
Adenomyosis is also another disease of the female reproductive system wherein a suffering individual faces heavy menstrual flow and painful periods. Since fibroids and adenomyosis have similar symptoms, adenomyosis is often wrongly diagnosed as fibroids. Fibroids vary in size and number and the symptoms are proportional to these variations. For example, multiple uterine fibroids are often so problematic that they may expand the uterus to a point that it touches the rib cage. Similarly, fibroids that are larger in size will cause more trouble, severe symptoms and will need immediate medical intervention.
The cause of fibroid in women is not known but it is certain that a few factors increase the risk of developing fibroid. These include maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, and being genetically predisposed to developing uterine fibroids. It is studied that uterine fibroids are more common in women over the age of 30 and teenager fibroid patients or fibroids in adolescents is a rare occurrence.
Treatment Options: Old vs New
Uterine fibroids that are symptomatic and larger than 10mm in size, may be treated surgically. In traditional gynecology, uterine fibroids causing complications are treated by hysterectomy, which is the removal of uterus. On the other hand, myomectomy may also be performed, wherein surgical intervention removes only the fibroids in the uterus.
Fibroid in unmarried girl or women who want to conceive may not want to go for uterus removal/hysterectomy. That said, myomectomy also adds to the misery with its high recurrence. Therefore, the best treatment for fibroids with high success rate is the non-surgical uterine artery embolization method, which may also be better known as 3-D precision guided treatment.
The 3-D precision guided treatment is an umbrella term that encompasses a handful of procedures, out of which uterine artery embolization alone, constitutes 60-70%. The entire procedure uses real time 3-Dimensional Fluoroscopy which is a type of X-ray that shows live imaging in 3- Dimensions. Live imaging helps in precisely locating the fibroids. The procedure begins with administering a local anesthesia in the form of “Cold Spray” applied to the skin of the groin area to numb it. Conscious sedation is achieved via IV in which the patient remains awake and relaxed. Avoiding any skin incisions or cuts, micro catheter is introduced through the femoral artery in the leg. The catheter is guided towards the uterine artery through which the blood to the uterus is supplied. Serial 3-Dimensional images are obtained followed by placement of specialized/engineered micro-catheters, if needed to complete the embolization.
In this way, the embolization procedure causes the blockage of blood flow to the fibroid(s) or adenomyosis. Additionally, Embolic agents are small micron sized particles that are passed through these catheters, these particles are engineered /programmed to block blood supply only to fibroids or adenomyosis while sparing the normal uterine walls. Another major component of the procedure comprises intra-arterial pain management done by intra-arterial infusion of carefully titrated medications directly into the fibroids/adenomyosis with super selective catheters selectively placed within the uterine fibroids or adenomyosis.
The patient is ensured more comfort via fluoroscopic guided nerve block which is effective for at least 18-20 hours post procedure. Post embolization syndrome which is an expected sequelae after any embolization procedure is dealt with there and then by infusion of specific medications directly into the fibroids/adenomyosis. All in all, the procedure takes around 45-60 minutes and has a high success rate amongst patients of all age groups. It is often difficult to relocate the access site since no incisions are made during the procedure. The patients are usually discharged only a few hours after the treatment in outpatient settings or are kept overnight under observation with a 23-hour admission. As part of post-procedural practice, the patient can expect a follow-up for a few months, especially if the procedure was also aimed at reversing infertility.
It is a blessing and a huge honor for Dr Imtiaz Ahmad and his team to offer a “totally” non surgical definitive treatment for Adenomyosis; offered first time in Pakistan since Nov 2017.
A brief outlook on Fibroids and Adenomyosis
Fibroids and adenomyosis often occur together, but are distinct in their characteristics. The fibroid is a benign tumor that can grow in different layers of the uterus while in Adenomyosis, the uterine inner lining itself grows into the myometrium (The outer layer of the uterus which is muscular). Intersecting symptoms of adenomyosis and fibroids include menorrhagia accompanied by pains and cramps, abdominal and lower back pain and abdominal swelling. However, while uterine fibroids are commonly asymptomatic, adenomyosis comprises excruciating and crippling painful cramps and may also accompany more chronic prolonged symptoms such as heavy bleeding and blood clots especially if fibroids coexist with adenomyosis. It is substantial to ensure that the two are not misdiagnosed, since an inaccurate treatment may prove more detrimental for the patient. Ultrasound imaging is sufficient to diagnose fibroids but to rule out adenomyosis, an MRI is advised. Once the specialist is able to differentiate between fibroids and adenomyosis, he has a clear picture regarding the treatment approach to be taken. At present, the most advanced method available under the non-surgical treatment for fibroids and adenomyosis is the 3-dimensional endovascular treatment. 3-D endovascular treatment for fibroids in Pakistan has been introduced by Dr Imtiaz Ahmad, an endovascular Surgical Specialist, and an Interventional Radiologist, who is well experienced in this field and has bagged thousands of success stories so far.
Treatment for Fibroids and Adenomyosis
Surgical interventions for the treatment of fibroids and adenomyosis have, time and again, proven to be invasive and are slowly becoming obsolete for that reason. Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or myomectomy (removal of fibroids) are the two most common traditional surgical approaches taken towards fibroids and adenomyomectomy for adenomyosis treatment. Surgical treatments also include endometrial ablation, wherein the inner lining (endometrium) is destroyed using either heat, cold, electricity, or microwaves. Women undergoing surgical procedures to sort their miseries regarding fibroids and adenomyosis must also give up on the idea of conceiving in most cases or be mentally prepared for recurrence. On the contrary, an innovative approach under the umbrella of endovascular procedures has recently gained accolades as being a noninvasive treatment, ensuring that the uterine wall is not damaged, while still being able to get rid of fibroids and adenomyosis completely. More specifically, the best treatment for fibroids and adenomyosis available is known as Uterine Artery embolization, which is a 3-D endovascular treatment that aims at selectively targeting fibroids and adenomyosis.
3-D Precision Guided Endovascular Treatment
Endovascular treatment using 3-dimensional imaging to locate the arteries supplying blood precisely to fibroids or adenomyosis ensures an accurate treatment. The entire procedure does not only comprise the uterine artery embolization but also, a complete set of steps to increase patient compliance and comfort. These include post embolization syndrome management, superior hypogastric nerve plexus block and intra-arterial pain management. Before the endovascular treatment is performed, a complete health analysis is done to assess the medical fitness status of the patient. Once the procedure is finished, you should also expect a thorough follow-up for up to 1 year, depending on the case. In cases where the goal is to achieve pregnancy, fertility status is also kept in check. In short, the treatment in itself is incomplete if the follow-up is not diligently done and as advised.
The 3-D precision-guided endovascular treatment uses live imaging to accurately locate the blood vessels supplying blood to the fibroids or adenomyosis. The imaging also helps assess the number of arteries involved and their sizes. The goal is to block the blood supply to these growths using miniature but programmed and specially engineered permanent devices. To begin, mild conscious sedation is achieved. Following, microcatheters are introduced in the patient’s body through the femoral/radial artery in the leg or wrist. This is achieved without causing any pain as a result of topical cold spray anaesthesia followed by local anaesthesia. Once the blood vessels are located, the FDA approved medical particles are then administered through the catheter. These embolic agents are small micron-sized particles that are engineered /programmed to block the blood supply to only fibroids or adenomyosis while sparing the normal uterine wall. Medical particles/Drugs used in the endovascular treatment are highly specific and are only issued to registered practitioners in America. In this way, embolization is successfully achieved.
The uterine artery embolization constitutes a major portion of the 3-D guided endovascular and may constitute approximately 60-70% of the entire treatment, through this technique management of the post embolization syndrome is also done. Specific medications are administered at the exact location of the fibroid or adenomyosis, using microcatheters, to avoid post embolization syndrome, which may prolong the recovery time if not addressed at the right moment. Moreover, intra-arterial pain management is also attempted, medications at the specific location are administered so that the extent of pain felt by the patient is reduced by many folds. Finally, to further reduce the pain, the nerves to the pelvis are relaxed using a fluoroscopic guided superior hypo gastric nerve block approach. The analgesic effect is maintained for up to 20 hours.
To conclude, this new treatment for fibroids without surgery, also targeting adenomyosis, has become the talk of the town, and it is with great pride that the best treatment for fibroids and adenomyosis was introduced in Pakistan by Dr Imtiaz Ahmad, which is now helping thousands of patients since November, 2017.