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    3-D Precision Guided Endovascular Treatment

    3-d precision guided endovascular treatment

    This state-of-the-art treatment was first introduced by Prof Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed. In this procedure, a catheter, a special tube, is used to deliver X-ray and dye helpers from a vein/vein in your thigh or neck to your varicocele and a special medicine or device. Is permanently shut down with the help of your recovery is done in a few hours. It is a minor procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. It doesn’t take long in recovery after this procedure.

    According to Prof Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed If you have varicose veins in the testes and you are having the following problems, consider treatment immediately.

    • check-mark-1Compressed testicles (testicular atrophy).
    • check-mark-1Pain.
    • check-mark-1Infertility or infertility.

    The earlier you consult and seek treatment, the better your chances of increasing sperm production. If your symptoms worsen, additional treatment, such as a vesiculectomy, may be needed.

    The following side effects may occur after surgery.

    • check-mark-1Damaged testicles or testicular arteries.
    • check-mark-1You will experience more tectonic atrophy.
    • check-mark-1Part of the testicles at risk of infection.
    • check-mark-1Special wounds become swollen, or there is a lot of fluid in the area.
    • check-mark-1You have an upset stomach.
    • check-mark-1Renal vein thrombosis may occur. This can affect the kidneys and require further surgery. These side effects, including rare, but can still occur.
    • check-mark-1Sometimes, the new blood vessels that the blood passes through after surgery are also enlarged. Further treatment may be required.

    The following side effects may occur after surgery.

    • check-mark-1Use paints that are not too tight.
    • check-mark-1If the pain persists for a long time, use painkillers such as paracetamol.
    • check-mark-1If you experience symptoms of pain in the testicles, go to the doctor Contact your doctor immediately if you have fertility problems.
    • check-mark-1Do not ignore the pain or swelling in the scrotum.

    Here are 6 key steps you can take to keep your testicles healthy. Unlike the penis, most men’s testicles are the same size. However, the testicles should feel soft, without lumps or lumps.

    Here’s how to get your testicles checked:

    1. Don’t feel difficult when checking.

    You check at different times. Try to feel how it feels. This means you have to remember when holding back, so you’ll know for sure if there are differences when re-checking.

    Why check it one by one and separate it from the other penis? This is because you have the shape of every testicle. Can distinguish and recognize unusual symptoms.

    2. Check after bath.

    You can check it out at night after a hot shower. Why like this? This is because the scrotum is soft. So you can feel it well. Try keeping the testicles a little tighter. Imagine holding a baby’s chick, not too loose, not too tight.

    3. Do it in front of a mirror.

    If you are having problems with features, you need to look at this more clearly. When you think something is wrong, you can immediately see it through a mirror. If there is something unnatural, you can consult a doctor immediately.

    4. Check by making a circular motion.

    Use your fingers or thumbs, then make a circular motion on one testicle. Recognize that there are lumps or swelling that look like grains of rice that get stuck in your testicles. If so, remember the problem or write to accept the changes. These changes can take the form of an extended lump, a tingling sensation, or even a new lump. It is also important to remember how big and clean the lump is. See a doctor right away for a consultation.

    If you feel pain, itching or stiffness, be careful and see a doctor. Some men have a special sensitivity to their tests. The sensitivity of both is due to touch, and temperature. If this is not the case, then maybe your account has been deleted. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor immediately.

    You should also pay attention when you feel pain when urinating, walking, sleeping, or even during sex. A doctor’s diagnosis is necessary for this problem.

    5. Also check the scatter.

    The scatterum may look more like the skin of other parts of the body, the wrinkles and hair are shorter. Point your hand at the scatter and see if there are any rough sensations, scales, color contamination, rash, redness, or other unusual problems. There is no way to stop varicocele. But you can reduce the risk. Men are advised to increase their intake of foods that contain antioxidants, especially vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins A, C, E, and zinc. Chemicals, electricity, permanent radiation, soaking in hot water and. Also, avoid wearing tight pants that can cause dangerously high testicular temperature. Contact your doctor for the best solution to this problem.

    3-D Guided Endovascular Varicocele Embolization has NO side effects, unlike major surgery. No general anesthesia is given. Hardly recovery time is less than 24 hours. No “Open Surgery” lifelong medicines or injections to take rest of your lives.

    Please whatsapp all your reports and call us at 03312597322 for appointment and packages.(First come first serve for selected spots)

    Dr. Ahmad has been practicing in the health care industry for more than 20 years.
    In 1995 he completed his fellowship at Northwestern University Chicago Illinois USA.