Who is Dr. Imtiaz
Experienced Endovascular Surgical Specialist and Interventional Radiologist with 20 plus years of experience working in academic and private hospitals. Strong healthcare services professional with multiple board certifications: Diplomate American Board of Radiology in Diagnostic Radiology- DABR, Diplomate American Board of Radiology in Vascular & Interventional Radiology DABR-VIR.Diplomate American Board of Radiology in Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Radiology DABR-IR/DR. Prof Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad joined USA Vein Clinics, Fibroid, Vascular & Oncology Centers as a Vascular Specialist and Interventional Radiologist with the title of 1.Director Interventional Pain and Spine Interventions. 2 Director of Bariatric Interventions. Before joining USA Vein clinics he was Interventional Radiologist/Attending staff credentialed at 25 plus teaching and community hospitals throughout greater New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area affiliated with Northwestern University Chicago Illinois USA.
Consultant Endovascular Specialist and Interventional Radiologist with Expertise
in Minimally Invasive Treatment of Fibroids,Adenomysis, Polyps and Pelvic
Congestion Syndrome
Consultant Interventional Andrologist Specialized in Infertility Treatment’s,
Minimally Invasive Varicocele and Venous Leak Treatment
Consultant Physician in Weight Loss and Minimally Invasive Endovascular
Bariatric Interventions
Consultant Cosmetic Endovascular Specialist with Expertise in Treatment
of Spider Veins & Varicose Veins

Our Expertise
Prof Dr. Ahmad has practiced at numerous reputable clinics and holds expertise in the following categories.
Fibroid & Adenomyosis Specialist
Curing abnormal growths in/on uterus.
Varicocele/Male infertility treatments
Treating male infertility through 3-D Precision Guided Endovascular Treatment
Varicose vein & Spider veins treatment specialist
Treating varicose veins and spider veins without surgery.
IR weight loss &
Obesity Specialist
Loosing fats & reshaping body without surgery by cutting down your fats professionally.
Why Choose Dr. Imtiaz
Prof Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad is the director of Interventional Pain & Spine Interventions and Director of Bariatric Interventions, on our team of experienced doctors and specialists. Prof Dr. Ahmad has been practicing in the healthcare industry for more than 20 years.

Team of Experts

Team Approach


Guided by Doctors

Committed to Serve
Success Stories
Our team of experienced doctors and specialists, along with Prof Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, is making history by treating and curing patients all around the globe. The success is based on long time research and challenges.

Mrs A resident of Sargodha 32 years of age having severe dysmenorrhea(pain during menstrual cycle ) and Mennorhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding) she was very depressed and isolated due to her health issues clinically having problem of Adenomyosis and was advised Hysterectomy (removal of uterus).

Miss K a young 17 yr old girl came from a remote area of Lahore who was having really disturbed quality of life with anemia multiple transfusions mass of around 24 to 28 week size after embolisation now mass size has reduced to 16 week size and patient was very joyful.
When to see a doctor?
Should I go to the doctor? Most of us have asked that question at one time or another. Call your doctor if you have any of the following issues, including:
- Very heavy, painful periods.
- Excessive menstrual bleeding.
- Frequent urination.
- Chronic Pelvic pain.
- Distended abdomen.
- Back pain.
- Radiating pain in legs.
Read about our procedures and find more information and updates through our articles in this blog section.
Can Varicocele be a cause of Impotence?
Restless Legs Syndrome and Varicose Veins – Symptoms and Treatments
Can Complications of Hernia Surgery cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Book an Appointment
Consult with a reliable doctor, 24/7, from anywhere in the world securely and privately.
Dr. Ahmad has been practicing in the health care industry for more than 20 years.
In 1995 he completed his fellowship at Northwestern University Chicago Illinois USA.